This wedding season, Atmika Twiari’s Snow Records brings ‘Bombay Nu Baraat’ – peppy wedding song featuring Neha Bagga & Resty Kamboj Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - December 24, 20210 Music Label, Snow Records that charmed the audience with its 'sufiyana' hit number, 'Bismillah 2,' is all set to enthrall the audience with another shamshing hit. Snow Records' next song is a peppy song, which proves that the label has distinguished options for all kinds of listeners. The latest song,
Weekly Numerology Predictions from Astro-Strategist Hirav Shah Astrotainment BC Exclusive Featured by Akanksha - December 24, 20210 Weekly Numerology for Number 1 (SUN): (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month) You will sign massive contracts. You will close the year with a slight profit margin. Blame covid but profits will still be there. Some legal issues might crop up, but they will all
&TV artists reveal their Santa secrets Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - December 24, 20210 As we hear the jingle bells, we know it is that time of the year where we get to fly to our fantasy land of elves, reindeer, gingerbread houses, and everyone’s favourite Santa Claus! This Christmas season, &TV artists Mouli Ganguly (Mahasati Anusuya, Baal Shiv), Ankit Bathla (Siddhant, Ghar Ek