Actor Shravan Sagar shares his experience of working on the real-life incident based film “The Hero – Abhimanyu” Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - April 24, 20230 In a recent interview, Shravan Sagar shared his experience of working with Hrishitaa Bhatt, Shakti Kapoor, and Nikita Rawal during the filming of "The Hero - Abhimanyu". Sagar, who made his debut as the lead actor in the film, expressed his admiration for his co-stars and their professionalism on set.
Urvashi Rautela who is going to be seen with Akhil Akkineni in ‘Agent’ files a DEFAMATION CASE against film critic Umair Sandhu over baseless allegations Featured Gossips by Akanksha - April 24, 20230 Urvashi Rautela, who is Bollywood's youngest superstar, has always amazed the audience with her scintillating beauty and acting prowess. Recently, pictures from Urvashi Rautela's upcoming 100 cr pan Indian film, Agent, got leaked online. Recently a film critic name Umair Sandhu who is known for his vulgar and false tweets recently
Mithun Chakraborty, Govinda, Suniel Shetty, Jackie shroff attend the Pre Release Event of Bad Boy Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - April 24, 20230 The makers of Namashi Chakraborty and Amrin starrer Bad Boy recently announced the Pre Release Event of the film that took place in MMRDA Ground in Mumbai, today. The film is produced by Sajid Qureshi and Anjum Qureshi. At this grand event, superstars like Mithun Chakraborty, Govinda, Suniel Shetty, Jackie Shroff,