The India House presented by Global Star Ram Charan, produced by Vikram Reddy and Abhishek Agarwal, directed by Ram Vamsi Krishna, starring Nikhil Siddharth and Saiee M Manjrekar in lead roles commences shooting in Hampi Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - July 3, 20240 After a grand mahurat Pooja, the shoot has commenced today Global star Ram Charan is venturing into film production with his banner V Mega Pictures. The Pan-India film, The India House directed by Ram Krishna Vamsi, will be presented by Ram Charan's banner. The film's shooting has commenced quite in style
Watch the once-in-a-lifetime stellar performance by late Usha Ganguli in Mahasweta Devi’s ‘Rudali’ Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - July 3, 20240 The acclaimed Zee Theatre teleplay narrates how a Dalit widow defies oppression to find joy and meaning Zee Theatre brings to you Mahasweta Devi's acclaimed masterpiece 'Rudali'. The teleplay stars the late Usha Ganguli who delivers an unforgettable performance as Sanichari, a Dalit widow and a professional mourner. Sanichari leads a
Savour these five thrillers on OTT streamers Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - July 3, 20240 'Missing', 'Badla', 'Bhakshak', Chehre and 'Silence 2' are perfect for an extended binge-watching session The recent popularity of Malayalam procedurals and investigative stories is indicative of the growing audience affinity for thrillers. Here are five stories that will entertain, intrigue and thrill you when you are in a mood for some
*Manisha Koirala Unveils ‘Society Achievers’ Latest Cover Amidst a Star-Studded Evening* Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - July 2, 20240 "My association with Nari Hira and Society has been of decades. It is an honor to be on the cover of Society Achievers," said an emotional Manisha Koirala at the glamorous event marking the unveiling of the latest cover of ‘Society Achievers’ magazine at Invincible, Bandra. The event saw the