Divya Dutta steals the show at the Reel movie awards! Featured by Akshay Patil - March 27, 20190 Actress Divya Dutta attended the Reel Movie awards last night, and looked absolutely resplendent in a midnight blue outfit designed by Neeta Lulla. The National award-winning actress had a ball of a time as she spent quality time with her Manto co-stars Rasika Dugal and Rajshri Deshpande. Ms Dutta also caught up with Alia Bhatt during the ceremony, who won the award for best actor female. Here are a few pictures from the evening. Divya Dutta also went onstage to collect the award on behalf of Gulzaar saab, who was declared the winner for best lyrics for Dilbaro from Raazi. Elated, Ms Dutta tweeted I probably wouldn’t have been as happy to pick my own award. It was an honor to be asked to pick up t award on behalf of @GulzarPoetry ! This was precious!! P.s And I can hear you say, mera kuch samaan tumhare paas pada hai… :)) #REELMovieAwards2019 This award season has been a particularly good one for Divya, as her short film Plus Minus won a Filmfare in the short film category. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related