Fraud involving PM Modi, Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan under the guise of the Dadasaheb Phalke Award exposed. Featured News by Akanksha - January 23, 20250 A shocking expose unfolded today at a press briefing held at Raheja Classic Club, Andheri West, where serious allegations of fraud, impersonation, and criminal misconduct against Anil Mishra and his associates were unveiled. The accused have been misusing the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival (DPIFF) to defraud celebrities, influencers, and industry professionals by exploiting the legacy of the Father of Indian Cinema. The press conference was attended by legal experts, political representatives, and industry stakeholders, revealing damning evidence and testimonies that outlined a systematic scheme involving impersonation of government officials, forgery, and solicitation of funds under false pretenses. Key Allegations Against Anil Mishra and Associates: Impersonation and Fraud: The accused falsely used the names of prominent political leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, to create an illusion of government endorsement. Financial Misconduct: Funds were fraudulently solicited from celebrities and organizations with false promises of prestigious awards and endorsements. Misrepresentation: False claims of affiliation with central ministries and senior government officials were made to deceive participants. Forgery and Identity Theft: Forged documents and digital impersonation were used to manipulate and defraud stakeholders. Conflict of Interest: The accused leveraged their positions within the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) to coerce individuals into participation and endorsements. The primary accused include Anil Mishra (President of DPIFF), Mrs. Parvati Mishra (Vice President), Abhishek Mishra (CEO), and Shweta Mishra (Director of Legal and Public Affairs). Legal Actions and Next Steps Advocate Yasmeen Wankhede, representing the complainants Aslam Shaikh and Shakil Patni—who officially filed a complaint at Amboli Police Station, Andheri—called for urgent legal action. “This is not merely a fraud case; it is a violation of public trust and the legacy of Indian cinema. Strict charges under the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita and the IT Act must be pursued to ensure justice,” she stated. Statements by Dignitaries Mr. Sameer Dixit, President of Maharashtra BJP Chitrapat Kamgar Sena, expressed outrage, stating, “The misuse of cultural icons like Dadasaheb Phalke and the names of government dignitaries is an insult to the integrity of Indian cinema. Justice will be pursued relentlessly.” Ms. Nikita Ghag, BJP Secretary, Maharashtra Chitrapat Kamgar Sena, emphasized the need for vigilance: “This incident is a stark reminder for stakeholders to verify the authenticity of events to prevent exploitation. We must preserve the integrity of our cinematic heritage.” Call for Transparency and Awareness The briefing concluded with a strong appeal to media and industry professionals to remain vigilant and expose fraudulent activities. Attendees urged the government and law enforcement to take swift and decisive action against the accused, protecting the industry’s reputation and the legacy of Indian cinema. For further information, contact:Wasim Akhter+91 9967226513 This press conference marks the beginning of a focused effort to combat the misuse of cultural icons and prevent exploitation. Transparency and vigilance are crucial to safeguarding the legacy of Indian cinema and protecting stakeholders from such fraudulent schemes. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related