Indraxi Kanjilal on videos of women bathing and changing clothes during Maha Kumbh being sold online! Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - March 8, 20250 Indraxi Kanjilal, who is currently working in Pushpa Impossible as Prathana, is upset with the news of videos of women devotees taking a dip in the holy water and changing their clothes at the Maha Kumbh circulating on some sites and being sold online. She said that women have always faced the problem of not feeling safe, no matter where they are—even in the most private or sacred places. She stressed this is the reality of today’s world. “We claim to be modern and progressive, especially in 2025, but incidents like these prove otherwise. Women who go to take a private bath are secretly filmed, and their videos are sold for as little as five thousand rupees. But it’s not about the money—it’s about dignity. Imagine people going to wash away their sins in the holy Ganga, but instead of cleansing themselves, they commit such shameful acts,” she said. “No matter how many times someone tries to wash their sins, if they are corrupt from within, they can never truly purify themselves. Their sins will stay with them, and in the end, they will have to face karma,” she added. She mentioned that every woman has a story—of feeling threatened, unsafe, or being harassed. “It’s something most women experience at some point in their lives. Of course, some men also go through such situations, but the percentage is much lower. The reality is that women are the ones who suffer the most. It is heartbreaking to see how society has changed,” she said. “In ancient Vedic times, women were respected and even participated in social and political discussions. That was our true culture. But today, women are treated poorly over things that shouldn’t even be questioned. Where did we go wrong? I felt deeply disheartened to learn that such horrible things are happening to women in India. This is not the India I love. The reality of what is happening today is heartbreaking,” she added. Indraxi also pointed out that jail alone cannot reform such people. “If even the holy Ganga could not change them, how can prison? There needs to be a stronger deterrent—something that truly makes them afraid. Public humiliation is one of the only ways I believe will work. Severe and public punishment is necessary because only then will these criminals fear the consequences of their actions,” she said. “Most of the time, rape is not about lust. It is about power and opportunity. These criminals see a woman alone and think, ‘She’s alone; I can take advantage of her.’ They don’t fear anything because they don’t believe they will face real consequences. They feel invincible. One of the most disturbing cases I heard about was of a mother who was gang-raped by her own sons. She was elderly, yet she still had to suffer such brutality. This is the kind of world we are living in—even in the 21st century, even in 2025, women are still facing such horrors. Another case that deeply shook me was about a woman who had already given the dowry her husband’s family demanded. But her husband wanted more money. Her father was too poor to give anything more, and the next thing we know, the woman was found dead. Everyone knows what really happened, but justice is still uncertain. This is the reality women are facing today. And I truly believe that public and brutal punishment is the only way to make these criminals afraid. If rapists knew they would be executed in public, they would think twice before committing such crimes,” she added. She further stressed that we need to ensure that those who intend to harm women fear the consequences. “That is what I believe is necessary,” she ended. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related