Pallavi Bharti will be seen raising voice against stalking in her new show! Featured by Akshay Patil - February 18, 20190 Pallavi Bharti has been one of those few actors who manage to effortlessly shift audience’s attention from the lead characters to them. From playing a mother in Star Plus show Ikyawann to doing a cameo in ‘Mitegi Lakshmanrekha’, Pallavi has not only built a fanbase but a good reputation in the industry. And now, to treat her audience with another entertaining and impactful performance, she is gearing up for Star Bharat’s new show titled ‘Ek Thi Rani Ek Tha Raavan”. Pallavi, who is super-excited to act once again, shared details about her character and experience of working on the sets. “I am playing the character of Manjhari, who is basically Rani’s (protagonist) mother. Although the role is once again of somebody too old and mature for my age, I couldn’t say no because of the show’s concept – which talks about the importance of raising voice against stalking. To be part of a show like this is once in a lifetime opportunity and hence, I didn’t want to miss it,” said Pallavi Pallavi’s character in ‘Ek Thi Rani Ek Tha Raavan’ is a single mother, raising two daughters on her own. “Being a single mother is a challenging job. Like any other mother, Manjhari also wants to give her daughters all the right values. She wants to protect them from the evils of society. So that, one day they can stand with their heads high,” Pallavi mentioned adding, “This show beautifully depict’s a mother’s fight with everything that comes her way, her undying love for her daughters and the bond they share.” ‘Ek Thi Rani Ek Tha Raavan’ will be Pallavi’s second show with Panorama Entertainment. Talking about the same, the actress cum voice over artist said, “This is my second show with the production team and I am extremely lucky to work with such hardworking and fun-loving crew and cast. I am putting my best foot forward with the hope that Manjhari will manage to strike the cord with audience.” Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related