Ramrajya is all set to hit the theatre on 31st October, 2022 Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - October 12, 20220 Actor Amanpreet and actress Shobhita Rana starrer “Ram Rajya” release date have been announced by the filmmakers on the eve of Dussehra. The film is all set to release on 31st October 2022 in Cinema. Ramrajya is a political drama which revolves around enhancing and modifying social obstacles. The film work towards eliminating corruption, communal violence, health, education etc. The meaning of the film is implicit and clear. An ideal state of society where people can live together in peace and harmony without fear and aggression while following their own religion, beliefs and philosophy. It sets the example of the education system which should include history, mythology, Vedas, and holy epics apart from physical, social and information technology. Not only that, the film Ramrajya will entertain the audience with humour, music, romance, action and thrill. Aman Preet Singh is the protagonist in the film. Shobhita Rana, Salman Shaikh, Rajesh Sharma, Govind Namdeo, Manoj Bakshi, Mukhtar Dekhani, and Mushtaq Khan are in various roles. Story by Shivanand Sinha, Screenplay – Mohana Prasad, music and background score by Asif Chandwani. Singers Kailash Kher, Raja Hassan, Md Nazeer K Ali, Antara Chakraborty, and Vinti Singh sang beautiful songs. Under the banner of LI Helios Films, this Political drama is produced by Prabir Sinha and directed by Nitesh Rai. Producer Prabir Sinha shared ” It’s time for festivals to spend time with family Going to the cinema hall with your loved ones to watch movies, the film Ramrajya is based on a burning theme, as well as it will give you a lot of entertainment। Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related