Shashank’s trailer launch on Sushant Singh Rajput’s birthday Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - January 22, 20220 With the death of the actor Sushant Singh Rajput, many questions have been raised against the Bollywood in terms of nepotism, mafia gang, drug addiction his fans were disappointed. Last year,Film Shashank was announced which was inspired by Sushant Singh Rajput’s unfortunate death, the film is now ready. The trailer of the film is released on 21st January on the birthday of the late actor Sushant Singh. Sushant was a successful actor and was adding success feather to his acting career. But unfortunate death of the actor arose many questions against the Bollywood. Last year, the film Shashank was announced and since then, it is in constant news. Sushant Singh’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has also made an appeal on social media to boycott the film. But now this film will be released after many legal hurdles. Producer of the film Marut Singh & Ramesh Parmar told that Arya Babbar is playing the role of a big filmmaker in the film, we do not want to name any famous producer, but in Bollywood, big producers and studios are running the mafia network and restricting the outside actors and directors to go ahead. Shashank will show this dark side of Bollywood. Ravi Sudha Choudhary, who is the playing the character of Shashank in the film, tells that we are remembering him on his birthday, while releasing the trailer of this film.Ravi told that as we both belong from same hometown Purnea Bihar as well and he inspired us a lot and we follow his footprints . This film will unveil many secrets. After the death of Sushant, many questions have been raised against the Bollywood. There has always been an unfair treatment with the outsiders. Under the banner of Rudransh Cine Crafts Pvt Ltd, Roar Films,Sanoj Mishra Films and Parmar Production, the film Shashank is produced by Ravi Sudha Choudhary, Marut Singh and co-produced by Ramesh Parmar & Sanjay Dhiman. The film is directed by Sanoj Mishra. Arya Babbar, Ravi Sudha Choudhary, Rajveer Singh,Aparnna Mallik,Muskan Verma are in the lead roles in the film. And Nawal Shukla,Sanju Solanki,Aditya Roy,Varun Joshi,Md Salauddin,Akash,Priya Shreshtha,Rajendra Kedar,Deepak Pandit are also playing important characters in movie. Due to Corona, the release date of the film is not yet finalized, but if the pandemic is under control, then the film will be screened in theatres in the month of March. Trailer : Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related