Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister, Nitu Singh wrote a heart touching poem for her brother Featured Gossips by Dhirasri Devi Choudhury - August 6, 2020August 6, 20200 On Raksha Bandhan, Sushant Singh Rajput’s elder sister Nitu Singh wrote an emotional poem for her brother. Sushant was found hanging at his Mumbai home on June 14. On Monday auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan was celebrated for the symbol of brother-sister’ s love. Every sister tied the ‘Rakhi’ on their brother’s wrist, symbolically asking them to protect them. But it was late actor, Sushant Singh Rajput’s sisters, Nitu Singh, Meetu Singh, Priyanka Singh and Shweta Kirti Singh, who missed their brother’s presence on this festival of siblings and shared fond memories with him on their respective social media profiles. In a letter, addressed to her late brother Sushant Singh Rajput sister Neetu Singh wrote: “Dear Gulshan, Today is your day. Today is our day. Today is rakhi. It is the first time in 35 years that the puja thal is decorated, the diya is lit, but I cannot perform aarti for you. I cannot tie the rakhi on your wrist. I cannot feed you, sweets. I cannot kiss your forehead. I cannot hug you. When you were born life became brighter. You spread joy in your lifetime. But now that you aren’t here, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to live without you. I never thought I’d see this day – a day without you in it. We learned so much together. But how am I supposed to learn to live without you? You tell me. Forever yours, Rani di.” A few days earlier Sushant Singh Rajput’s another sister Shweta Singh Kirti took to social media to appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to look into the case. She wrote, “Dear Sir, Somehow my heart says that you stand with and for the truth. We are from a very simple family. My brother had no Godfather when he was in Bollywood nor do we have anyone right now. My request to you is to immediately look into this case and make sure that everything is handled in a sanitized way and no evidence are tempered with. Expecting justice to prevail .” She shared the statement, “I am a sister of Sushant Singh Rajput and I request an urgent scan of the whole case. We believe in India’s judicial system & expect justice at any cost.” Sushant ‘s death case was still investigating by the Mumbai Police. Family of Sushant, his fans many political parties demanding of CBI investigation but that has not happened till date. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related