Miss India Universe Nehal Chudasama looks every bit royal in this Neeta Lulla creation Featured News by Akshay Patil - December 11, 2018December 14, 20180 Ace designer Neeta Lulla is always a top choice for women who want to recreate something historical.
Ashutosh Gowariker Reunites With National Award-Winning Costume Designer Neeta Lulla For Panipat Featured Gossips News by Jutikaa Mahanta - April 26, 20180 Ashutosh Gowariker Reunites With National Award-Winning Costume Designer Neeta Lulla For Panipat Filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker’s has already begun work on his upcoming historical drama – Panipat. The director, who has helmed films like Lagaan, Swades and Jodhaa Akbar, is known to put a dream team together for all his projects that