Pallavi Joshi and Rituraj K Singh along with the team grace the screening of Painful Pride, launch the official poster Featured News by Jutikaa Mahanta - December 15, 20190 Pallavi Joshi and Rituraj K Singh along with the team grace the screening of Painful Pride, launch the official poster Producer Maansi, who announced her next, Painful Pride under her banner Yantra Pictures sometime back has finally launched the first official poster of the film on Friday, December 13th, 2019 in
Karan Thapar didn’t want Pallavi Joshi in a TV serial because ‘she is dark’, Vivek Agnihotri reveals Featured Gossips by Jutikaa Mahanta - July 30, 2018July 27, 20180 Karan Thapar didn’t want Pallavi Joshi in a TV serial because ‘she is dark’, Vivek Agnihotri reveals In his much talked about book Urban Naxals, filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri has written about an incident that took some time in the late 90s. Vivek was planning to diversify from ad filmmaking to making