Priyanka Chopra spent quality evening with Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu BC Exclusive Featured Gossips News by Jutikaa Mahanta - September 5, 20170 Priyanka Chopra spent quality evening with Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu Legendary Dilip Kumar saab's health has become a concern to all, from his fans to Shah Rukh Khan till Priyanka Chopra. The veteran actor has been paid visit by who's who of Bollywood often. Its the turn for actress Priyanka Chopra
SRK paid a visit to ailing Dilip Kumar Sahab at his residence BC Exclusive Featured Gossips News by Jutikaa Mahanta - August 16, 20170 Shah Rukh Khan paid a visit to ailing Dilip Kumar Sahab on Tuesday at his residence . Legendary actor Dilip Kumar's health is only concern of his fans but also for super star SRK who paid a visit recently to Dilip Sahab and Saira Banu;s residence to know about Dilip Sahab's
Manoj Tiwari hosted SRK and Anushka Sharma in Varanasi BC Exclusive Featured Gossips News by Jutikaa Mahanta - July 31, 2017July 31, 20170 After Dubai, its time for an Indian city -Varanasi that the team JHMS visited for the first time to promote their film. The visit turned special as local politician Manoj Tiwari hosted a terrific event for the trio. First we get too see both stars in Varanasi Airport -the holi city
‘Hawayein’ from ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’ launched over a date between Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma! BC Exclusive Featured Gossips News by Jutikaa Mahanta - July 27, 2017October 21, 20170 'Hawayein' from 'Jab Harry Met Sejal' launched over a sundowner date between Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma! 'Hawayein' the new song from 'Jab Harry Met Sejal' was unveiled today with all the pomp and glory at a seaside venue in the suburbs of Mumbai. In sync with the romantic vibe of