The pooja for Boney Kapoor’s next with director H. Vinoth, Valimai held in Chennai today Featured News by Akanksha - October 19, 20190 Filled with deep gratitude and excitement, Bayview Projects, the official handle of Boney Kapoor’s production company tweeted, “With the blessings of @SrideviBKapoor Madam, The pooja of #AK60 , hence forth titled #Valimai happened in Chennai today. A @ZeeStudiosInt @BayViewProjOffl presentation. @BoneyKapoor #HVinoth #DOPNirav @thisisysr @DoneChannel1.” With the blessings of @SrideviBKapoor Madam, The pooja of #AK60 , hence forth titled #Valimai happened in Chennai today. A @ZeeStudiosInt @BayViewProjOffl presentation. @BoneyKapoor #HVinoth #DOPNirav @thisisysr @DoneChannel1 — VidaaMuyarchi (@AK62TheFlim) October 18, 2019 The film titled Valimai is directed by H Vinoth and stars Ajith in the lead role. Earlier the trio had got together for Boney’s maiden Tamil venture Nerkonda Paarvai that released in August this year, the film was a big hit and the team is hopeful to create the same magic yet again. The film is backed by Zee Studios. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related