Urvashi Rautela’s film Virgin Bhanupriya receives a thumbs up from fans! Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - June 19, 20200 Bollywood filmmaker Ajay Lohan’s quirky comedy film Virgin Bhanupriya, starring Urvashi Rautela will be soon released on Zee5 worldwide. Twitterverse is exploding with comments and reactions as the film’s poster is out. the poster is receiving many positive nods from the netizens. Sharing a character picture of Urvashi from the poster, a user tweeted: Such a fabulous one #virginbhanupriya movie, you are looking so cute mam, can’t wait to watch you in the movie 😍😍🥰😘” While another tweeted, ”we love u urvashirautela I definitely watching your upcoming movie #VirginBhanupriya” another said, ” Virgin Bhanupriya has Undoubtedly the best actress India will ever have, the excellent versatility in #virginbhanupriya”. Poster review: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBj_nVlhagX/?igshid=147d3n17ajd9i https://twitter.com/gauravb80044291/status/1273513747575762945?s=21 Virgin Bhanupriya has Undoubtedly the best actress India will ever have, the excellent versatility in #virginbhanupriya — Ayuri Mishra (@ayurimishra) June 18, 2020 The film is about a conservative girl who is looking for a suitable partner. But all her attempts go in vain one after the other. The film is a family comedy that explores the relationship between youngsters and their families. Urvashi Rautela plays the lead role in ‘Bhanupriya’ in the film. The film also features Gautam Gulati, Archana Puran Singh, Delnaaz Irani, Rajiv Gupta, and Brijendra Kala, Niki Aneja Walia, and Rumana Molla. The film is directed by Ajay Lohan and produced by Shreyans Mahendra Dhariwal. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related